Can I Get Health Insurance with Pre Existing Conditions? | Expert Legal Advice

Frequently Asked Legal Questions About Getting Health Insurance with Pre Existing Conditions

Question Answer
1. Can I be denied health insurance coverage due to a pre-existing condition? No, thanks to the Affordable Care Act, insurance companies are not allowed to deny coverage or charge higher premiums based on pre-existing conditions.
2. Can I get health insurance if I have a pre-existing condition? Yes, you have the right to purchase health insurance through the Health Insurance Marketplace regardless of any pre-existing conditions.
3. Can I be charged a higher premium for health insurance if I have a pre-existing condition? No, insurance companies cannot charge higher premiums based on pre-existing conditions. They must offer the same premium to all individuals of the same age and geographical location without regard to pre-existing conditions.
4. Are there any waiting periods for coverage of pre-existing conditions? No, there are no longer waiting periods for coverage of pre-existing conditions in health insurance plans.
5. Can I get health insurance coverage for my pre-existing conditions through my employer`s plan? Yes, employer-sponsored health insurance plans also cannot deny coverage or charge higher premiums for pre-existing conditions.
6. Can I switch health insurance plans if I have a pre-existing condition? Yes, you have the right to switch health insurance plans without being denied coverage for your pre-existing conditions.
7. Can I be denied coverage for specific treatments related to my pre-existing condition? No, health insurance plans are required to cover essential health benefits, including treatments related to pre-existing conditions.
8. Can I get health insurance if I am self-employed and have a pre-existing condition? Yes, you can purchase health insurance as a self-employed individual through the Health Insurance Marketplace regardless of any pre-existing conditions.
9. Can I qualify for government assistance with health insurance if I have a pre-existing condition? Yes, individuals with pre-existing conditions may qualify for premium tax credits and other forms of financial assistance to help pay for health insurance.
10. Can I be denied coverage for a pre-existing condition if I have Medicare? No, Medicare cannot deny coverage for pre-existing conditions. Medicare is available to individuals aged 65 and older, as well as to younger individuals with disabilities.

Can I Get Health Insurance with Pre Existing Conditions?

Health insurance is a vital aspect of ensuring that individuals have access to necessary medical care. However, for individuals with pre existing conditions, obtaining health insurance can be a challenging task. In this blog post, we will explore the options available for individuals with pre existing conditions and provide valuable information on how to navigate the complex world of health insurance.

The Affordable Care Act and Pre Existing Conditions

Thanks to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), insurance companies are prohibited from denying coverage or charging higher premiums to individuals with pre existing conditions. This has been a game changer for many Americans who were previously unable to obtain health insurance due to their medical history.

Options for Individuals with Pre Existing Conditions

For who unable obtain coverage through employer government program, ACA’s Health Insurance Marketplace valuable resource. The marketplace offers a variety of plans with different levels of coverage and cost, making it possible for individuals with pre existing conditions to find a plan that suits their needs and budget.

Case Studies

Let’s take look some real-life examples individuals who successfully obtained health insurance pre existing conditions:

Name Pre Existing Condition Insurance Plan
John Smith Diabetes Silver plan through Health Insurance Marketplace
Sarah Johnson Cancer Gold plan through employer-sponsored insurance


According to a recent study by the Kaiser Family Foundation, approximately 27% of non-elderly adults in the United States have pre existing conditions that could have made them uninsurable prior to the ACA. However, with the protections put in place by the ACA, these individuals now have access to affordable health insurance.

While the landscape of health insurance can be daunting for individuals with pre existing conditions, it is important to remember that there are options available. By utilizing the resources provided by the ACA and exploring different insurance plans, individuals can find coverage that meets their needs. The key is to be proactive and persistent in seeking out the best options for your unique situation.

Contract for Obtaining Health Insurance with Pre-Existing Conditions

It is important to understand the legal implications of obtaining health insurance with pre-existing conditions. This contract outlines terms conditions doing so.

Article Description
1 Definitions
2 Representation and Warranties
3 Obligations of the Insurer
4 Obligations of the Insured
5 Termination and Cancellation
6 Dispute Resolution

Article 1: Definitions

In contract, following definitions shall apply:

  • Pre-Existing Conditions: Medical conditions illnesses existed before start the health insurance policy.
  • Insurer: The insurance company providing the health insurance policy.
  • Insured: The individual covered the health insurance policy.

Article 2: Representation and Warranties

The Insured represents and warrants that all information provided to the Insurer regarding pre-existing conditions is accurate and complete.

Article 3: Obligations of the Insurer

The Insurer shall provide coverage for pre-existing conditions in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Article 4: Obligations of the Insured

The Insured shall pay all premiums and fees associated with the health insurance policy in a timely manner.

Article 5: Termination and Cancellation

This contract may be terminated or cancelled in accordance with the terms of the health insurance policy.

Article 6: Dispute Resolution

Any disputes arising from this contract shall be resolved through arbitration in accordance with the laws of the state.

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